Thursday, January 16, 2025

Companion Notes for Zoom session 2, You Become WHY You Practice

Since this session is using why as a point to start this week's inquiry into practicing, the question may arise; Why did I choose the title for this course to be "Five VITAL Approaches to Practicing?" It is a good question and I'll give some of my reasoning behind it.

First of all, I wasn't doing lots of reasoning before I picked the topic. It came about when I was practicing and started thinking about an issue that appeared in my playing. In the midst of this, I became very aware of the naturalness of the reasoning process, in this case, problem solving.  After finding out what the issue was, I started to wonder why it was happening. Once the why it was happening became clear, I naturally found myself asking how I can fix this and work with this. But after working with the how and finding the means and ways to work with the issue, more practicing showed me that I had worked it out in one range and dynamic, but things changed a bit when going into different registers and dynamics. It was this that led to where does it start and when does it start!

However, a person in a similar scenario might start with a different order of what, why, how, where and when. In a moment of frustration you might yell out "WHY or "WHAT am I going to do about this!" or "WHEN will this ever end?"


As a matter of fact, I had to find when does it start and where does it start to even get to finding the register and dynamic that worked well enough to have a place to start! And guess where this led me? To the Can Do Point!

That whole practice session was a process of getting to the Can DO Point! :-)     

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