Sunday, July 12, 2020

FBSMC 12, Music and the Natural Worlds, Living Theater of Nature

Yesterday was an amazing time at ‘our’ creek. Quiet yet energetically so alive with the landscape constantly changing. The creek is under huge white pines, oaks, some maples and a lot of hemlock trees. The sun was shining but there were wonderful huge piilowy clouds that you could see a bit of under the canopy of branches and leaves from the trees. 

This created spots of light on the land that were rising gradually above the creek. The spots of light would flicker like giant fireflies and change in rhythm with the duet of wind and trees. Then, periodically a large wide and round shadow would come over the ground, akin to a long tone passing through the texture of swirling lines from woodwinds and strings in a grand symphonic composition. This certainly was a sound and light cinematic delight, full of wonder and elevation in the living theater of Nature. We felt humbled to be part of it.

There is no doubt that aspects of this will be woven into the upcoming composition dedicated to my former teacher Ron Ricketts, who is now flying in another sphere of space in the continuing life of soul and spirit. 

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