Saturday, June 20, 2020


Instrumentalists of all kinds have their own terminology and techniques. What FBSMC 12 is doing as part of this series is to translate our experiences with the natural worlds into the terminology we use on our various instruments. Then to translate that into finding the technique to produce it on our instruments.

Realize that the human being, as well as all plants, animals, fish, birds, rocks. minerals, insects and all the elements, are instruments with purpose. Different environments (forests, mountains, lakes, deserts, tropical, dry, temperate, polar etc.), all the life that lives in them is specifically made for a particular climate and environment. In a similar way, human made cities located in different climates, are designed accordingly for the humans to function in. The main point here is design for a purpose according to what is needed.

The human can ‘recreate’ or be inspired by the natural worlds in all arts, dance, music, painting, architecture, transportation, sports, and more. Humans are a part of Nature! And have their own unique position in Nature. Like all of life, the human is designed to change and adapt when it is called upon. If it doesn’t then it too, could vanish into extinction. 

I ask many times when musicians are playing for me (as I ask myself), “what are you thinking about when you are playing?” This question is vital so one will not always play by default into some pre-made idea that has become habit. NOW, it’s important not to throw the baby out with the bathwater! Not all habit is harmful or not useful. We are designed to have an automatic robotic system, our marvelous intricate physical self known as the first overlay. This first overlay needs a driver for it is more the vehicle of the driver (mind-person), which is known as the second overlay. The second overlay is the liaison between the first and third overlay(s) (purpose and destination). This is a journey into being more conscious and integrating our Overlay System as a working whole.

Building connections and relationships with the natural worlds provides the whole of ourselves to have a bank of resources and ideas that will NEVER RUN OUT. Wow!!! It will constantly keep us in wonder, gratitude,  reverence and hold us more in tune with the ‘A’ of Awe.  

Think of how different practicing long tones, (if you practice them), could be by connecting it to different aspects of the lives that live in the natural worlds. Even for string players and percussionists, they have their own version of long tones, meaning holding pitches out for an extended length of time. 

Can you find examples in Nature that would help or enhance your long tone practice?? How would this change your state of mind, body and attitude?? I’d be very interested in your discoveries! 

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