It would be hard to describe the night that took place in words. To say it was a venture into the unknown and yet known, would be true. To say there were atmospheres of incredible potency of ancient and never happening before appearing would be true. To say it was magical, mystical, profoundly deep would be true. To say that a great 'something else' liked it would be true. To say that it touched deep into the human enigma would be true.
So what is the Frequency Band? This is the question to 'quest on' about. It is an experience and journey into the essence of where the music comes from. It is a training into the special Arts of human life that don't get much of a chance in regular day to day life. And so much more…
The music of the first night, was written from a connection to different colors, to ancient Egypt, well being, the mystery of time and other topics. But we did not just play them. It was how we prepared and tuned ourselves to play them. It was in the integrated spirit of sentimented- technology. Technology for a very needed purpose. To help maintain in the record of human history, the importance of the living Art. As my wife and co-founder and director of the Frequency Band, Carol Viera so eloquently says, "Music is the wrapping paper for the essence that is inside of it." And "The most important instrument is the human instrument."
The Frequency Band is first and foremost a human endeavor. The first principle of the Frequency Band is a Unity Born of Humanity. The tuning is to the "A" of attitude appreciation and awe. Without this as a living fabric of the environment, the Frequency band will not appear. It will not be invited.
We don't use metronomes and tuning machines. We tune according to connection. The greater the connection the greater the tuning. The greater the tuning the greater the connection. The Spirit of the music comes first, because that is closest to the heart of the human. The human is more sensitive and powerful than any man made machine. It is a matter of education and application that activates the latent human potential that is dying to get out and be free.
I am honored and humbled to be instrument to to this very special life. May I always be tuning and fine tuning myself to be a better receptor and translator of what "It" wants.
A special thank you to all who have been a part of it in one way or another. Whether you are in a major symphony orchestra, a teacher, a free lance artist or a student, the Light shines on all. Cultural position is not the measuring stick of success in the Frequency Band. It's all in the sentimented spirit of wanting to be included and transmitting it into the world. FOR THE LOVE THAT IT SHOULD BE SO.
Greatest gratitude to the special humans and lives that influenced Carol and myself with their wisdom and love of Life. We will keep on keeping on.
I really enjoyed this post. I am so honored to be part of the Frequency Band!
Thank you so much for all you both do, Mr. Bolter & Dr. Viera.
Happy birthday to the Frequency Band!!
The retreat should be ending around now, and so I thought I would commemorate the event by writing here to say THANK YOU for what you and Carol have done to start (and continue!) the life of the Frequency Band.
I am honored to be a part of this endeavor and it fills me with hope and joy that something like this can exist in a world that in many ways does not seem to support it. In order to have something meaningful and special like this, that breaks out of the mold of everyday life and music making in order to be something unified and true as the FB is, is a great testament to you and to Carol for having the vision that you have and not compromising a tenth of one percent when you set out to achieve it. You know what the Frequency Band is and needs to be, and you pursue it with the relentless integrity that it demands. Any amount of impurity in the formula would destroy it from the inside out. The Frequency Band is not about being a great trombone choir (or any other type of ensemble), but is instead about true and connected music making that nourishes the soul and reminds and reconnects us to our love of music.
I have a great amount of respect for what you and Carol do with the Frequency Band, and it was my honor to be tuning in over the wires tonight even though I could not be there in person.
Here's to another 18 years and beyond of the Frequency Band!!
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