Wednesday, July 19, 2023

FBSMC 15 REMINDER of schedule for July Zoom Sessions 7/20 and 7/27

Hello everyone!

This is a REMINDER of the remaining schedule for July of FBSMC 15. There will be two consecutive weeks of zoom sessions. There will be NO Zoom Sessions for the week of July 31st through August 6th.

*ZOOM SESSION 5 for Frequency Bone Summer Music Connection 15- "Summer Studio Class" with the theme: "Spontaneity Within A Plan," IS TOMORROW, JULY 20th at 6pm EDT

I hope to see some of you tomorrow for Zoom Session 5!

ZOOM SESSION 6 for Frequency Bone Summer Music Connection 15- "Summer Studio Class" with the theme: "Spontaneity Within A Plan," WILL BE HELD THURSDAY JULY 27th at 6pm EDT

FBSMC 15 will consist of and include:

-Weekly videos uploaded to YouTube.

-Zoom sessions

-Companion notes, music and/or exercises emailed to Zoom session participants*-

FBSMC 15 Zoom Sessions requires a minimum donation of $10. If this is a problem, please let me know.

*-FBSMC 15 companion notes, music and/or exercises for each Zoom session are available and will be emailed to the participants for an extra $5 donation. This would make the donation $15. That's getting a bang out of your buck! 🎇

If you are planning to attend a FBSMC 15 session, please email me at so I can send you a Zoom Invitation once I see you donated for the session. If you do not receive an invitation within a 24 hour window after donating, please get in touch with me ASAP by email or by text at 617-759-1620 no later than 1 hour before the session.

***BONUS- For those who attend at least 2 sessions of either TACraft or FBSMC 15, (it can be one of each) I am offering a 1 hour private session with me for $90. So, for every 2 sessions you get a $90 private session with me. Which is pretty good considering my regular fee is $200+ for an hour session. A savings of $110+ ⚛

I hope to see some of you online this summer in a TACraft and/or a FBSMC 15 session. We will always be playing so please bring your horns. A journey of discovery it surely will be!

Please feel free to share this email with others you may know!

Here are the donation directions:



(Note especially #6)

1. To pay/donate, please go to:

**(Please COPY and PASTE LINK if needed).***

2. You will arrive at a PayPal window with the Air-ev and Frequency Band symbols and the name Carol Viera (Dr V's name)

3. Click "SEND" option

4. Enter AMOUNT: Anew Each Day is an optional (not a prerequisite)  free will donation of any amount

5. At the bottom of the same window is the prompt: "What's this payment for?" ENTER A NOTE about which session(s) you are attending (e.g. Train Atheltic Craft, Private Lesson, FBSMC or more than one)

6. **IMPORTANT!** Select left box titled "PERSONAL" (because you're not "purchasing" merchandise, which is the default option; selecting that option incurs extra fees and creates an income category error for us; we do declare these personal payments on our taxes, as we would private lessons and coachings)

7.COMPLETE TRANSACTION (make sure your transaction goes through)

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