Monday, July 10, 2023

Companion Notes for FBSMC 15, "Spontaneity Within A Plan", Video 3

All of our life can have meaning formed by our connections to life. When one is overflowing with inspiration, fullness, wanting to help others, love of a particular subject, it is natural and spontaneous to want to pass that on as if spontaneously because it is ALIVE in us. Here the wise phrase and caution comes in which is "you become what you think about."

In this state, we start to have awe, wonder, gratitude and deep appreciation for what wants to unfold in our life. Ideas, perceptions, expanding thoughts will become a regular feature of one's life. When one's life is more consciously connected to the natural worlds, it is powered by truth. Truth in this instance refers to that which is not human created. The laws of nature exist in various combinations throughout the entire Creation.

We are all living lives playing our various roles in the theatre of Creation.

The question that spontaneously appeared on the video when I was talking about making my videos and not wanting to edit them, spontaneously triggered in me the question of "do we edit life?" What comes to my mind is when being with other people we might edit what we say to fit the circumstance depending on the subject matter and/or the people we are talking to. You might be thinking of things you'd like to say but edit it by choosing your words in a particular way so you "edit" out other words that you could have used but thought twice about it! Sometimes in life things come out... The question arises: do we feel safe to speak? Are we free to speak? Of course there is always the issue of being sensitive to the situation. Let's face it, sometimes it is not worth the attack back at us for speaking what we feel. Other times it is vital we speak what we feel and stand for, even in the face of what could come back at us.

How much of our daily life do we edit?

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