Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Train Athletic Craft Session 2, 5/6/23 11am EDT Zoom invite included!

Hello Everyone!

We will have our second session Train Athletic Craft on this coming Saturday 5/6/23 at 11am EDT. Yes, this is another acronym for TAC! Those who have participated in my TAC offerings starting in 2021 are well aware there are many acronyms for TAC. Originally TAC stands for The Amazing Club. It is not a closed club but is open to all who feel compelled "To bravely go where few have gone before!" :-)

*In session 2, we will look at the "Hand Sculptor(ing) technique that I've shown and described a bit in Video 2 ( and on my Instagram @nbolt2. This is meant to show that the field of techniques is infinite and it only needs us To Activate Creativity and hopefully some of my process will Trigger Authentic Connections that are already in you, (even if latently), To Activate Continually!


Train Athletic Craft is another way of looking at the first overlay called Robotic Automatic Systems of the Overlay System. This system consists of three main overlays. Lots written and spoken on these overlays already. The Overlay System will naturally appear in these TAC sessions, including, of course, the other two overlays of Skill and Choice (second overlay) & Integration and Art (third overlay). They will all start to resonate and play a vitally active part in these sessions.

In these sessions, we will also be warming-up together and looking at the fundamentals in a variety of ways which you are invited to apply in your own privte practice time. Which leads us into how this acronym of TAC came about! It was seeing that in all performing arts, there is the practical aspect of training the athletic (mind-body-coordination) part of ourselves to develop skills and those skills to build a craft for a specific purpose, i.e. brass playing, playing any musical instrument, dance of any kind, acting, theater, figure skating etc.

Zoom Inviation will be included at the bottom of the donation instructions.

Free will donation of your choice is suggested for these sessions. If this is not possible, please feel free to join anyway.

Looking forwward to training our athletic craft together!



(Note especially #6)

1. To pay/donate, please go to:**(Please COPY and PASTE LINK if needed).***

2. You will arrive at a PayPal window with the Air-ev and Frequency Band symbols and the name Carol Viera (Dr V's name)

3. Click "SEND" option

4. Enter AMOUNT: Anew Each Day is an optional (not a prerequisite)  free will donation of any amount

5. At the bottom of the same window is the prompt: "What's this payment for?" ENTER A NOTE about which session(s) you are attending (e.g. Train Atheltic Craft, Private Lesson, FBSMC or more than one)

6. **IMPORTANT!** Select left box titled "PERSONAL" (because you're not "purchasing" merchandise, which is the default option; selecting that option incurs extra fees and creates an income category error for us; we do declare these personal payments on our taxes, as we would private lessons and coachings)

7.COMPLETE TRANSACTION (make sure your transaction goes through)

8. Feel free to SHARE THIS INFORMATION with anyone who might be interested

Zoom Invitation

Norman Bolter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Train Athletic Craft session 2

Time: May 6, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 870 2541 6811

Passcode: 588987

One tap mobile +19292056099,,87025416811#,,,,*588987# US (New York) +13017158592,,87025416811#,,,,*588987# US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 870 2541 6811 Passcode: 588987 Find your local number:

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