Saturday, July 29, 2023

FBSMC 15, Spontaneity Within A Plan, Companion Notes for Video 4

Have you ever thought of yourself as a note in the symphony of creation? In fact, that is exactly what you are! If that can resonate in your inner timbreal acoustic, it will change your world and what music represents.

Rhythm, pitch and timbre are expressions of the law of three. They are the three parts that make up a unified sound or frequency. Sound is audible frequency and obviously the human and animal, insect, and aquatic life can pick up frequency in a number of ways. Hearing, touching, tasting, smelling and seeing are the common ways of detecting frequencies. But the instinct picks up frequencies and so does our own energetic field known as the aura. When someone says, "you're in my space!" they feel your space entering their space. Space here means one's aura."

The human is an incredilbe design capable of extrodinary things! Once we start getting in touch with the essence of rhythm, pitch and timbre, it offers a window into seeing Nature's laws at play right in plain sight in our daily life and while playing our instrument. Once this happens your playing, pracitcing, performing and teaching can take a more profound level of understanding that music and life are not separate. The same laws and principles are taking place.

There are many practical ways to apply this knowledge to music making and instrumental development. But first, getting to know the teritory by building a relaitonship with rhythm, pitch and timbre, "RPT." This is not that difficult to do, you just have to practice it. RPT is EVERYWHERE!

1. Focus on one of them at a time.

a) Pick the one that catches you the most.

b) Try it for a whole day.

c) then pick one of the other 2 the next day.

2. Listen to people talk.

3. Listen to the sounds in your neighborhood.

4. Feel the times of day- quiet times will help you build subtlety in your listening.

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