Sunday, July 2, 2023

Companion Notes for FBSMC 15, Video 2, Spontaneity Within A Plan

Planning is something we do all the time. Short term, mid term and long term planning are all goal based. Whether it is planning a daily, weekly or monthly schedule, writing a grocery list, planning a week's finances and so forth, there is always a reason for the plan to accomplish some goal.

We all know that our plans don't always work out by not completing it by running out of time or being unexpectedly interrupted. There are a myriad of ways that our plans might change.

Let's say our plan is working out. Well,, even in that case, not everything that happens to us in the midst of that plan is known ahead of time. That is life! As an old Yiddish saying goes, "Humans make plans and God laughs!"

The known and unknown exist at the same time. In that reality there is always the chance for spontaneity and the need to course correct and adapt (and sometimes very quickly) to that which was not anticipated. THIS IS PART OF LIFE.

I can't tell you how many performances this happened in! That can be a real shock and quick thinking can help, but, sometimes the circumstance is a bit complex. We do the best we can at the time. Then, if we are open and growing, our experiences can transform into wisdom.

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