Thursday, June 15, 2023

Companion Notes for FBSMC 15, video 1

Where do the windows of possibilities for spontaneous discovery and new insights exist? Or should I say "appear" as if < i > out of nowhere spontaneously?

This depends on a person's openiness and fervor in the living connections that they have built. Now, what is interesting about this, is that a person who is very young can be very open because of their innocence and natural curiosity about being alive. They are not frozen in being educated a certain way especially if they were raised without too much fear. In this state, so much can happen because of the newness of everything and the fog of things being "too" familiar are not too blinding yet. With this idea, not feeling well can offer a temporary way out of taking things for granted because we are out of our usual functioning and the simplest of things can feel very difficult.

This is one example of a window appearing even in a very tough situation. Can we see the opening for greater perception in life in general? Is this something we want? Notice when we are interested in a subject that we start to notice many things related to that subject. Or, if you get a new car, it seems there might be a lot of them on the road because now you are on the "frequency" of that car. This is the golden egg! Connection to something built from a genuine interest and love will pull on the thread (frequency) of what that subject is itself connected to. This does not always happen if our training has conditioned our perception in a such a way that holds us tight to a certain concept of conditioning that forms a deep seeded belief in ourselves.

The simple secret out of this, if one has the desire to do so, is the development of an attitude that is interested in the love of truth more than any ideology. This is where real discovery begins and it is spontaneous!! Plus, your planning will naturally take this living spark of spontaneity into account naturally!

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