Monday, May 22, 2023

FBSMC 15- Important date change and payment procedure Zoom Session 1, 6/2/23

Hello everyone! This post contains 2 important updates!

*Frequency Bone Summer Music Connection 15- Yes, this is year 15 of FBSMC and this year it is called “Summer Studio Class” with the theme “Spontaneity Within A Plan.” FBSMC 15 will consist of and include:

-Weekly videos uploaded to YouTube

-Zoom sessions

-EXTRAS! Companion notes, music and/or exercises emailed  to Zoom session participants*-

UPDATE THE FIRST ZOOM SESSION WILL BE JUNE 2nd at 6pm EDT. This is changed from May 25th.

>FBSMC 15 Zoom Sessions requires a minimum donation of $10. If this is a problem, please let me know.

UPDATE If you are planning to attend a FBSMC 15 session, please email me at normtobe at gmail dot com so I can send you a Zoom Invitation once I see you donated for the session. If you do not receive an invitation within a 24 hour window after donating, please get in touch with me ASAP by email or by text at 617-759-1620 no later than 1 hour before the session. Thanks inadvance!

*-FBSMC 15 -companion notes, music and/or exercises for each  Zoom session are available and will be emailed  to the participants for an extra $5 donation. This would make the donation $15. That's getting a bang out of your buck!

***BONUS- For those who attend at least 2 sessions of either TACraft or FBSMC 15, (it can be one of each) I am offering an 1 hour private session with me for $90. If a person attends 4 sessions they can have another session with me for $90. So, for every 2 sessions you get a $90 private session with me.Which is pretty good considering my regular fee is $200+. A savings of $110+

I hope to see some of you online this summer in a TACraft and/or a FBSMC 15 session. We will always be playing so please bring your horns.A journey of discovery it surely will be!



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