Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Companion Notes to Train Athletic Craft Video 2

The human being is always building connections and relationships. Not all of these are intentional but form out of repetitive thoughts and actions in our everyday lives. Our intentional focus on deep points of personal interest create equally strong connections and relationships. Some examples are, chosen career paths, marriage, sincere beliefs that turn into principles and form the foundations of our ethics, the list can go on and on.

True Actual Choice is a very powerful TAC acronym. Do we have actual genuine choices? Where does it come from? Where do our choices lead us? For instance, as you can see from the video I've come up with a "hand sculpture" technique that helps inform my embouchure shape. When you have built a living relationship with something, techniques, revelations, endless ideas, ways and means will come to you. This can lead to having many options- an abundance of choices will be right in front of you! The True Actual Choice part will express itself because you built a lving relationship with something. It is not stagnant and stuck in one way only except the way of where the natural laws lead you.

This way of going on for me has led organically into personal science where a person uses their experiences as empirical evidence. Because I have been teaching and working with people for over 5 decades, I have collected a huge amount of empirical evidence from trying things with other people of all ages. I love confirmation and the surprises of when things don't work and when they don't seem like they should work! This brings about an attachment to living truth rather than being bound and adhereing to concepts only coming from a personal viewpoint.

Love the journey and process of being IN the living Art, for it goes beyond product preoccupation into the ever expanding nature of life and the Everlasting origin that it arises from.

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