Monday, October 3, 2022

Companion Notes to FBMCFE- AMA (ask me anything) Series Video 2

One of the important things for me in doing the work that I do is not falling for what is “expected” from the general trombone and or music community. I hope it would be clear to everyone who follows me at all, that music and trombone are expressions and tools for understanding life for me, hence, music as a living thing. My great life mentor said, “All things are in all things.” I have found that with music and everything else! Nature’s Laws are the core laws that govern life in all of the universe. Even though the Laws might express themselves in what appears to be many ways, the essence of them is always the same.

If you have not seen the video yet, here is the link:

The two questions asked on the video, reflect times when we feel separated from our deeper Self. The questions asked had the phrases inner-child and inner-imagination. In this case, inner can mean pushed way to the back of our feelings and minds eye. Why would that be? Well, that aspect can be changed if we regularly connect to them. But how and why did those vital forces get pushed so far back? Well, ask yourself this; how much are those vital essences talked about in regular cultural-industrial-21st century life in the schools and on the job, even in the arts? It is business driven, money driven, career driven and that needs consumers. Maybe that is part of it? And more too.. Environment is a very strong influence on our unconscious, semi conscious and conscious mind.

Sometimes we might feel dull or unhappy with how things are going. Well, welcome to being a human on planet earth! You can’t avoid ups and downs but you can learn to deal with them better, much better. That is good news!

I started looking into the word flow and came up with an acronym for it being  Floating Lightly Over Waves. This speaks of an attitude and approach and floating lightly over waves implies being upbove the turbulence of the ups and downs of life. Like anything else we want, it needs to be grown, self grown in ourselves. Like a gardener, we need to give it attention by spending time with it, feeding it with our ever evolving intentions, and integrating it into our lives so it can be a part of our life. But, if we do not connect to it in some form or another regularly, we might not even remember to call upon it to help us, let alone feel it as a friend and ally.

It is relationship building isn’t it? To be in touch with the essence parts of our soul-spirit and its many companion parts like- love, care, patience, humility, honesty, compassion, belief, trust, light, joy, happiness, inspiration.. the list goes on and on. This does put the responsibility on us to have a real interest in our own inner personal development. This surely will be tested. No doubtit! Part of the ups and downs we go through helps us to find the inner strength which turns into greater equanimity forming a foundation of resiliency, courage and stability.

This is all part of the Art of Living.


More soon!


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