Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Companion Notes for FBMCFE: Video 1 - Introductory Video for AMA Series

Here are the first companion notes to a new series of videos called Ask Me Anything. This introductory video, is the beginning of the Frequency Bone Music Connection Fall Edition. Yes, the FBMC will now go year round! After FBSMC 14, itfelt natural to continue this process and a regular year round transmission with periodic AMA (ask me anything) videos. I am hoping these videos will give those who are interested in the human journey aspect of music as a living thing, a chance to go deeper and periodically meet on Zoom and eventually in-person if possible!

This introductory video gives a taste of some of the nature of the questions asked. Also of prime importance, is the quality and content of the questions asked which allows me to go on a "quest" to look into them. This will bring a broader sense of what the questions hold inside of them and to have my response to them be a living engagement as part of an organic process of discovery.

It is easy to ask questions just to get an answer that might not be worthwhile past the point of getting an "answer." Everyone who takes their art seriously, knows that it is up to them personally to go on the journey. Even if a person could have all the answers delivered to them, they would still need to be in a process to unlock the actual content (essence) and build a relationship with the territory. As my great life mentor said,"Truth cannot be fetched. It comes when you make demand of it."  

This can easily be grasped if we put it into our brass language. If you go to a masterclass and the speaker says "buzzing the mouthpiece can help center your tone." Now, if all you do is write that in a notebook and never do it yourself... not much will happen Obviously.. It could then just become a dry academic answer for a student to answer on a quiz. I bring this up because the times we live in, due to the internet, their are many that become self appointed experts by gathering a ton of information at their fingertips while not having  ANY REAL life experience of what they are proclaiming to know about. There is BIG topic!

Link to Introductory Video for AMA: https://youtu.be/Occrf4F73kk

I'm looking forward to the next AMA video where some of the questions sent to me will be looked at and opened up!

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