Friday, July 22, 2022

Companion notes to FBSMC 14, Video 4, "The Genius Within"

“The Genius Within”

This is a beginning dip into the territory. More is coming! My hope is that your own interest will keep you moving towards what this means to you and for your life and artistic development.

Getting lost. A person in love with cars, or musical instruments can have a genuine love for wonderful technology. This can be an expression and appreciation of increasing creativity and ingenuity. The question that can help calculate or assess something’s worth and value might be: Does it help life or hurt life? This can be looked at it through the three overlays; is something helping life or hurting life physically (body) overlay 1, mentally/emotionally (mind) overlay 2, soul (spiritually) overlay 3. If one of those has hurt attached to it, there is a problem.

4:40 in the video- In the age of virtual reality, a perfectionist mindset can really grow exponentially. The attitude of "we can fix anything" like photoshopping a picture or recording with lots of "state of the art" cuts with pitch and volume control. Is this really high tech or more virtual reality cop-out? What is the happy balance between technology and the actual state of affairs? Does it matter? To me it does.

The John Henry Story - A man trying to outdo a machine, at great cost to his life. This age of virtual reality is doing something similar. A human is an extraordinary being that lives inside of a marvelous best can do physical model. But, if we use virtual reality "perfection"as the main marker and standard of quality, I'm afraid we will all go the way of John Henry. What are the paths that will help lead us to our higher actual fulfillment?

The genius within us. WE ALL HAVE GENIUS IN OURSELVES. Can we access the genius we have? Once that happens it acts as a tuning fork attracting more to come into you if you keep at it. The first bit of genius might show up as a first overlay gift expressing itself as an aptitude or several talents. What will open those gifts depends upon your interest in them. Interest = “enters it.” You will get to “enter its” domain by pursuing your interest. Oftentimes an interest points to an affinity and aptitude for a subject. Our education system needs to take this equation and sentiment a lot more seriously so that each student can actually be more n touch with their abilities and be encouraged (not forced or coerced) into pursuing them. A great question arises; “What is our public education system doing to foster the uniqueness of each person by giving them ways and means to discover themselves as a living part of the wonder and magnificence of life and its purpose?

“A Drop of Genius Contains the Universe”

If a person wants to take something as far as they can, inspired by a sincere interest and love of a particular territory, it will NEVER stop opening up and revealing more knowledge, understanding, insight and revelation to them. Connecting your interest through a basic understanding of Nature, you will start to see the fundamental laws of Nature in your interest and eventually in all things. How extraordinary is that! The developed interest turns into a powerful lens in which to view the world, people, the natural worlds and everything. But! The lens is only as good as the development of the person looking through it. What a wonderful life to be lived! WE ALL HAVE GENIUS IN OURSELVES. Seek and ye shall find

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