Saturday, July 9, 2022

Companion Notes to FBSMC 14, Video 3 Part 1, Choice, The Great Opportunity

- 30 seconds into the video, I’m saying “What is looking at the habit life?” My answer was the second overlay is looking at the habit life. But it would have been more accurate to say my second overlay is accessing what the third overlay is witnessing. I’ll leave that as a contemplation for now. :-)

-Incorporating standards and principles into ones life- walking the walk and talking the talk. Standards and principles in a person’s life offer stability and definition, especially if they are on a journey of ongoing personal development taking responsibility for their actions.

  Relating to 6:11 in the video I mention the incredible opportunity of being a human being.

The Great Opportunity in choice therefore, is a human being, endowed with the gift of choice, has the ability to deliberately decide to be closer to its actual true purpose. Their standards and principles at that point are directed towards that higher purpose which then naturally directs the quality of their actions and behavior. At this stage of growth, Self development is activating the potential of our second overlay to be in step with the third overlay (purpose) functioning as a liaison between the third and first overlays. This is what is meant by the third overlay being  named Integration and Art. When the living overlay system is truly thriving, the three overlays work in unison and become One Living Life.

Throw yourself into the pool! (relating to points made starting from 8:12 in the video). Observe habit life in people, flora and fauna. This is a wonderful way to build an understanding of habit life and that which goes beyond robotic habit life. It does take time and interest to want to do this, just like anything else one wants to develop. Jump in the water to feel it! If we want to actually understand activity, it is imperative to engage ourselves in a process that will set us on a path for this to become possible. This state of knowledge is a far cry from just repeating what someone else has come up with coming from no work of our own.

-What prevents one from going on a quest of discovery? Is it because it is easier (habit) to not think and fall back on doing what you are told instead of having the self initiative driven by personal interest to question and experiment to find out what works for you? Interest here equals a desire born out of need. If we need something badly enough, to the point where we feel desperate and/or compelled, we usually keep pushing on until we find what we need to fulfill that desire/need.

-Question things for the sake of purpose- even in career- life, i.e. like taking an audition. It’s not what we do, it’s the reason why we do it.

-Sometimes our choices take us in a different direction than we initially thought.

-Endemic in the video here meaning natural to the internal habitat of ourselves.

-Everything has a first overlay, including a civilization. Think about the past civilizations and present ones. They have customs, laws, social “norms” and so on which become automatic in the members of that society. Unfortunately, in todays present global civilization, success and failure, distrust, fear and other characteristics that are damaging to life coming from centuries of repeating the same mistakes, are part of what makes up our societal first overlay. This same overlay has influenced civilizations for thousands of years. NOT a healthy state of affairs!

-Change- healthy change and unhealthy change. Not all change is healthy..

-Working inside the parameters- do we have the courage and adherence to truth to admit our mistakes and say when something is not working? Our current environment (and in times past) does not support those who “go against the grain” of mainstream thinking and set protocols of behavior coming from those in charge of pushing and enforcing a particular narrative.

-Brass instrument makers: Other options exist in this age of more and more customization of which there are many examples, one of which is accommodating specifics for a brass player’s individual needs. Some industries however still go by one size fits all, but that is a whole other conversation.

-Other kinds of technologies

The importance of building living relationships to Nature’s laws, color, the elements, number, imagery, finer human qualities etc, is that it can be used in simple yet very scientific ways. Remember everything contains an energetic vibrancy. Think of all the different kinds of music that can enhance and/or be assistive for certain types of activity whether they be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual because of the energetic vibrancy inside of it. Energetic vibrancy is the potency and type of energy something is. Energetic vibrancy is the quality of a particular frequency.

Anything can be built or printed into our first overlay automatic robotic systems. This depends on what we have built connections to and how deep our understanding is of those connections. This knowledge (which comes from the third overlay in essence) will inform our second overlay (skill and choice) of how (skill) and when (choice) to use these connections.

Starting at 19:44 in the video, the spirit of the 1976 movie Rocky is mentioned. -kinds of technology, mustering of will, challenges, life can be tough which can feel like it is all on manual second overlay (as opposed to being on automatic first overlay). Listen to this section again all the way to the last sentence which is: “But having some knowledge about The Living Overlay System just might help.” With greater understanding of how something works, we can see more of a fuller picture of it and where things went wrong or right.(Detecting the direction something is taking earlier rather than later).

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