Thursday, June 23, 2022

FBSMC 14, Companion post part 1 for video 2, Born To Be and Do

Isn’t it amazing how everything has intelligence, purpose and function?! All life is serving something with purpose and honey bees are a great easily seen example of this. All flora and fauna have intelligence, purpose and function that is “wired “ into them according to the needs of the ecology that they are part of. All life on our planet, is serving Mother Earth in some capacity. They are all in sync with the laws of Nature that govern life here on Earth. What does the human being have in common with all the other mammals, insects, fish, reptiles and birds? We protect our young, we fetch food for them, we teach them things and provide shelter for them. Also, all these living lives (including human) mate, breath air and/or water, eat and excrete. We all move with apparatus designed to function according to our habitat. It is clear some species of life have very advanced communication systems and protection systems. They have designated functions in their societies. So far from what has been written, it is hard to tell humans from all the rest of the creatures on Earth! All species are different ad look REALLY different too. It is very clear that a human is a human and not something else. Even though we call each other animal names like pig, dog, and have phrases like “quit “horsing” around” or “stop being an as” These names are mostly not meant as a complement! But there are phrases like “he is as strong as an ox,” “as cleaver as a fox,” “ that person won’t get out of their shell,” “they eat like a bird.” I’m sure you can think of many examples. :-) The human is gifted with choice. This distinction is very significant and shows that the human being has a potential to make choice to go beyond selfish behavior and be of service into life or the reverse. The human being can be the most powerful source of bringing the higher forces into the world or the complete opposite. This is not my opinion, it is a fact as seen in everyday and throughout the course of human history. Those of us who feel drawn to the arts, have an important place in the world. But is it more important than others?? Every job, depending on the qualities, character and inner alignments of the person doing that job, can put more joy, light, honor, care, peace, healing, humanity and other fine qualities into the environment or process thoughts and actions like cheating, lying, greed, dishonesty, meanness, bitterness, crime and other degenerate corrupt vibrations into the environment. Everything can have Art in it. Music certainly has a special place in life. other people who might not consider themselves to be musicians, can most certainly “sing the song” of upliftment, courage, spirit, determination, hope, peace, love and of course sadness, grief, fear, tragedy pain as well. All the things that humans go through, has been expressed in music and all the arts. Music, no matter what the genre is, expresses all the qualities mentioned and more, right?? Not all music is meant to be beautiful. But this depends on what is moving through the composer of the song, symphony, ballade, opera etc. REMEMBER: It’s not who wrote the music, it’s WHAT wrote the music. Have a good think about that.:-) Choice is part of the second overlay isn’t it? The driver of the vehicle (first overlay). What do you want in your music?? I can tell you that I expressed every emotion I had through my trombone. Not all of it pleasant to listen too!! But it was a means of letting feelings out. Toxins build up in us mentally and emotionally and lots of music expresses the composer’s own build up of personal trauma, fear, failure, depression, stress; all of which are kinds of toxic build up that need release and will find a way to release in ways that are much more harmful to oneself and others than getting those feelings out through a musical instrument or compositions. More.. Born to be and do -Bees caste system 1. queen (the only one) 2. workers (females) 3. drones (males) They are what they are- no choice to be any different Human Being Overlay 1 -Robotic Automatic System- involuntary -Human (form), vehicle Overlay 2 -Skill and Choice- voluntary -Mind-mentality, driver Overlay 3 -Integration and Art- unity and wholeness -Being (essence) destination -habits-unconscious -awareness-first step to being conscious -Growing discernment ( seeing more distinctions at increasingly more subtle levels (cause) Ask yourself: -What do you want? -How to get get what you want? regularity is a key driver that creates a signal informing your involuntary automatic system that this is something you want established. Asking oneself questions is an excellent way to further your quest. It also stimulates your awareness and gives it specificity. One of the greatest deterrents to improvement is not taking the time (thoughtful attention) that something needs for ti to develop . Working with interest and awareness is an attitude (second overlay) that will inform your first overlay (automatic robotic systems) with finer clarity and direction. TRY THIS: 1. Play and Listen 2. Ask yourself; Is this closer or further away from what I want? 3. Record yourself and ask; a) How was the pitch, rhythm, timbre, evenness, articulation, end of notes etc? Make a list and put it in front of you in that really helps! b) Where and when was it starting to move in a negative or more positive direction? c) What was the reason for it changing from better to worse or from worse to better? d) Ask yourself “Why, when, where and how did I lose my focus?”

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